December, 2024

The Wait is Over! Our global panel of nomination experts has selected the nominees for the DIVIA Award 2025 — honoring visionary women in architecture for the second time!
Ola Hassanain, Sudan
Samia Henni, Algeria
Manely Afshang & Mahfam Kooshesh, Iran
Raha Ashrafi & Marziah Zad, Iran
Melike Altınışık, Turkey & Korea
Doreen Heng Liu, China
Patcharada Inplang, Thailand
Mina Moeineddini, Iran
Trần Thị Ngụ Ngôn, Vietnam
Brit Andresen, Australia
Margaret Leonie Edmond AM, Australia
Kerstin Thompson, Australia
Nimi Attanayake, UK
Izaskun Chinchilla Moreno, Spain
Binke Lenhardt, Germany
Mia Roth-Čerina, Croatia
Amelia Tavella, France
Surella Segú, Mexico
Lindsay Harkema, USA
Sandra Barclay, Peru
Mónica Bertolino, Argentina
Carolina Rodas & Carla Chávez, Ecuador
Ana Elvira Vélez, Colombia
Carla Juaçaba, Brazil
Cazú Zegers, Chile
Following the success of our inaugural award in 2023, where Marta Maccaglia claimed the top honor, the 2025 nominees are poised to bring fresh perspectives — celebrating innovation, creativity, and transformation in architecture.
Congratulations to all 25 nominees!
November, 2024

A massive THANK YOU to all the remarkable speakers, panelists, moderators, and participans who made the first DIVIA conference “Mind The Gap” at Aedes such a memorable event. Your insights, expertise, and dedication created a powerful discourse as international voices united to stand up for equity in architecture.
Photo credit: Nadia Bendinelli, inedito
October, 2024

We are excited to invite you to the inaugural DIVIA Conference, “Mind the Gap”, which will take place on November 1, 2024, at the Architecture Forum ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory in Berlin. This new event, to be held in English during the alternate years of the biennial DIVIA Award ceremonies introduces a fresh format for both our members and the interested public. The conference aims to gather international experts, researchers, practicing women architects, and students to explore diversity, and to discuss the unique challenges and opportunities for women in architecture. To learn more, please read the information under “Conference” on our website.
August, 2024

It’s been twelve wonderful months since we started publishing profiles of women working in architecture all over the world. It’s been such an honor to speak and learn from such extraordinary professionals, about their vision and goals. Each story has been a testament to the creativity, resilience, and innovation that these women bring to the field. As we continue to share more inspiring journeys, we hope to contribute to a more inclusive and diverse future for architecture, where every voice is heard and valued. Thank you to all the amazing women who have shared their stories with us and to everyone who has supported this initiative and DIVIA in general. Here’s to another year of celebrating the remarkable contributions of women in architecture!
July, 2024

Our DIVIA Award 2023 travelling exhibition will be seen at Delphi Space in Freiburg from July 6th to July 14th 2024, with Director Julia Roever giving a presentation on the opening day.
On July 12th Director Ursula Schwitalla will hold a lecture about her publication Women in Architecture (2021).
June, 2024

Das Wiesbadener Architekturzentrum e.V. feiert 25 Jahre!
Das WAZ zeigt auch dieses Jahr eine spannende Auswahl an Filmen, die Architektur und Gesellschaft auf besondere Weise beleuchten. Wir sind stolz darauf, als Kooperationspartner diese beeindruckende Reise zu unterstützen.
Unser Highlight des Programms:
📽️ THE MIES VAN DER ROHES 🗓️ Sonntag, 30.06.2024 🕖 19:00 Uhr | Murnau Filmtheater
Es ist eine bewegende Familiengeschichte und präsentiert mit privaten, unveröffentlichten und längst vergessenen Filmen, Bildern und Dokumenten ein Sittengemälde der Moderne – aus weiblicher Perspektive.
Das ganze Programm findet ihr auf der Website von WAZ:
April, 2024

Africans Column, a platform dedicated to projecting, celebrating, and supporting the good works of Africans in Art, Architecture, and Design has unveiled their list of 50 Influential African Women Architects, which includes DIVIA Award 2023 finalists Tosin Oshinowo, Noella Nibakuze and May Al-Ibrashy, as well as nominees Patti Anahory, Nzinga B. Mboup and Ilze Wolff. Congratulations!
March, 2024

DIVIA Award 2023 finalist and Design Director at MASS Noella Nibakuze will be one of the 2024 Dezeen Award judges! Congratulations, Noella!
February, 2024

We spent this month exploring the colorful CIUDAD DE MÉXICO, meeting up with some of the most exceptional women in architecture. We are excited to share our inspiring conversations, insights, and learnings with you very soon. Stay tuned for a new interview series that we are launching this spring.
January, 2024

After the successful lectures on their architectural endeavors delivered by Marta Maccaglia (winner of the DIVIA Award 2023), May al-Ibrashy and Noella Nibakuze in 2023, we are delighted to continue our “Architecture Today — Diversity in Architecture” series at the University of Tuebingen in the new year.
On 23 January, Liza Fior of Muf Architecture / Art (London, UK) will deliver a lecture called “The Double Work of Design for the Public Realm— from Detail to Strategy and back again”.
On 6 February, Tosin Oshinowo (Lagos, Nigeria) will speak on “The Beauty of Impermanence: an Architecture of Adaptability”.
The events start at 8pm at Room 22, Gmelinstraße 8.
We hope to see you there!
October, 2023: Exhibition
Our exhibition returns to Stuttgart!

Our multimedia exhibition dedicated to the works of the five DIVIA Award finalists and curated by Anja Menge & Katerine Witte will be showcased from October 26th to November 7th, 2023 at the Gustav Epple Bauunternehmung GmbH in Stuttgart. Please join us for an exclusive opening on Thursday, October 26th, 2023, starting at 6:00 PM (doors open at 5:30 PM). This special evening will feature esteemed guests including DIVIA’s Chair Dr. Ursula Schwitalla, the winner of the inaugural divia award 2023 Marta Maccaglia, and the Managing Director of Gustav Epple Götz Ellinger.
Exhibition Dates: October 26th – November 7th, 2023
Opening Hours: Mon – Thu, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Venue: Gustav Epple Bauunternehmung GmbH, Tränkestraße 4 (Foyer), 70597 Stuttgart
Admission is free.
Please RSVP by October 23rd, 2023, to
We look forward to seeing you there!

Christiane Stahnke is an industrial manager and architect. Since 2013, she has been running her own successful studio Proiectum Management & Planning GmbH, with offices in Hamburg and Munich. Prior to this, she worked for various major players, including Bothe Richter Teherani, HOCHTIEF Projektentwicklung, and Allianz Immobilien GmbH. Christiane Stahnke sees herself as a translator between building owners and planners, and develops ESG-compliant products in Germany and Europe. She studied architecture at the HafenCity University in Hamburg, with a focus on construction economics and construction management.
Welcome to the DIVIA team!
Deputy Chairs
We are thrilled to announce that we have two new deputy chair members: Julia Röver and Christiane Stahnke!

Julia Röver attended law school at the Universität Tübingen and received her doctoral degree in law from Universität Heidelberg. She worked as an attorney-at-law in Stuttgart before moving to the United States with her husband and young children. During her time in California, she earned an M.A. at Standord University, specializing in the history of science and medicine. Her research into 17th century medicine took her to Rome for one year, sparking a keen interest in architecture. Since returning to Germany in early 2021, Julia has been working as a freelance historian of medicine, and is currently writing a book on a 12-century female physician in Italy.
September, 2023

Introducing … the ‘HER STORY’ series. Starting September 16th we’ll be profiling and interviewing extraordinary women from all over the world working in architecture, art, and design. Make sure to check our Linkedin and Instagram page to keep up with the announcement before publication. You can read the articles here on our website
July, 2023
Credit: @anja_matzker

It’s only been two years since DIVIA was created and we already have a first winner!
We would like to use this milestone as an opportunity to thank our donors, team, the jury, advisory board and board of trustees members, ambassadors and, of course, the nominees and finalists of the first award cycle. We couldn’t have done it without your unwavering support. It’s been a true pleasure and we can’t wait to see where the journey takes us next. THANK YOU!
ALSO: 19.07. is the LAST day to visit our exhibition at BDA Wechselraum in Stuttgart, so go check it out. Our Chair Ursula Schwitalla will be presenting her book ‘Women in Architecture’ at 7pm.
June, 2023
Divia award 2023 exhibition at BDA Wechselraum in Stuttgart: 10 July 2023 – 19 July 2023

After a successful run at ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory in Berlin, the DIVIA Award 2023 intermedial exhibition, featuring interviews and the works of the five finalists Marta Maccaglia, May al-Ibrashy, Tosin Oshinowo, Noella Nibakuze, Liza Fior & Katherine Clarke is ready to travel further to Stuttgart. It will take place at BDA Wechselraum, in collaboration with BDA Baden-Württemberg and the Internationale Bauaustellung 2027 Stadtregion Stuttgart (IBA’27) during the IBA’27 Festival.
EXHIBITION: 11−19 July 2023, TUESDAY−FRIDAY, 15−18:00 BDA WECHSELRAUM, Friedrichstraße 5, 70174 Stuttgart
OPENING: 10 July 2023, 19:00 with Dr. Ursula Schwitalla, DIVIA, Wolfgang Riehle, IBA’27 Friends e.V. and Liza Heilmeyer, B D A Baden-Württemberg. The event will feature a video message from the DIVIA Award 2023 winner Marta Maccaglia.
CLOSING: 19 July 2023, 19:00 with Karin Lang, IBA’27, and Bernita Le Gerrette, B D A Baden-Württemberg and a book presentation on „Women in Architecture“ by Ursula Schwitalla.
Curated by Anja Menge, Katerine Witte
Graphic design by Anja Matzker
May 19th, 2023
And just like that … DIVIA’s first award cycle is complete!

Our reception, one day before the official beginning of the Biennale, successfully took place on 19 May at 6pm at BERÜHRUNGSPUNKTE at Palazzo Contarini Polignac in Venice. DIVIA’s founder Ursula Schwitalla started off the evening with a presentation about the organization and where it’s headed in the future. Four of the five finalists Liza Fior, Noella Nibakuze, Tosin Oshinowo, as well as the winner Marta Maccaglia were present and spoke about their individual architectural mission. (Unfortunately, May al-Ibrashy and Liza Fior’s studio partner Katherine Clarke could not be present.) The jury member Martha Thorne spoke on the behalf of the entire jury (also including Rahul Mehrotra, Odile Decq, and Sol Camacho, stating its role and approach in the decision-making process. She also pointed out the extraordinary effect the finalists’ work has had on architecture in their respective contexts.
The reception also included a brief presentation of the catalogue (which can be purchased online at the Hatje Cantz’s website), as well as the exhibition dedicated to all five finalists. After its successful first run in Berlin, it will now travel to BDA Wechselraum, Stuttgart (opening: 10 July 2023).
We are very grateful for this successful completion of the first cycle and are very much looking forward to the next round!
May 6th, 2023
And the winner of the first DIVIA Award is… Marta Maccaglia!

“We chose Marta Maccaglia as the winner because we were impressed with the consistency of her architectural attitude to her projects, from small to large scale, while every project is also reflective of the local culture and particularities of the place. Working in underserved geographies, she creates buildings that can respond to the dynamic needs of the community with a generous spirit, humanist approach, and courageous attitude. Since coming to Peru, she has become part of her adoptive country as an equal. In 2014, she founded the NGO Semillas to be more critically and cooperatively embedded in the local context and to help in understanding local materials,” said the jurors Martha Thorne and Sol Camacho when they announced their decision. Felicitaciones Marta!!!
April 2023

We are getting ready to announce the winner of the first DIVIA Award on May 6, 2023 in Berlin. It is our pleasure to invite you to join us for the award ceremony where we will feature all five finalists and their exciting work and celebrate the winner, with a reception to follow.
The event is free of charge. It starts at 6:00 p.m. and takes place at ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Christinenstraße 18-19, 10119 Berlin.
Please make sure to rsvp at:
We are getting ready to announce the winner of the first DIVIA Award on May 6, 2023 in Berlin. It is our pleasure to invite you to join us for the award ceremony where we will feature all five finalists and their exciting work and celebrate the winner, with a reception to follow.
The event is free of charge. It starts at 6:00 p.m. and takes place at ANCB The Aedes Metropolitan Laboratory, Christinenstraße 18-19, 10119 Berlin.
Please make sure to rsvp at:
In addition, we are going to celebrate the winner of the DIVIA Award at the beginning of the 18th International Architecture Exhibition — La Biennale di Venezia. The DIVIA Award winner, the finalists, and jury members Martha Thorne, Odile Decq, Sol Camacho, and Rahul Mehrotra will all be present.
You are cordially invited to join us for this event which takes place on May 19 at 6:00 p.m. at Palazzo Contarini Polignac — Berührungspunkte Meeting Point, Venice.
Register for free at: (please choose May 19).
We hope to see you there!
March 2023

Dear all, happy International Women’s Day— what better occasion than to announce our five finalists for the divia award 2023? The high-profile jury, consisting of Martha Thorne, Sol Camacho, Odile Decq, and Rahul Mehrotra, has selected the following women architects:
Tosin Oshinowo (Nigeria)
May al-Ibrashy (Egypt)
Marta Maccaglia (Peru)
Noella Nibakuze (Rwanda)
Katherine Clarke & Liza Fior (UK)
SAVE THE DATE: At the end of March 2023, the jury members will gather in Berlin (Sol Camacho and Rahul Mehrotra will join via Zoom) to choose the winner, who will be announced at the award ceremony on 6 May at 6pm at the ANCB The AEDES Metropolitan Laboratory in Berlin (Christinenstraße 18-19).
On the occasion of the 18th Architecture Biennale in Venice, there will also be a DIVIA reception on 19 May 2023, taking place at 6pm at BERÜHRUNGSPUNKTE in the Palazzo Contarini-Polignac (Sestiere Dorsoduro, 874).
To attend the events, please register directly via abc works:
January 2023

December 2022
Congratulations to all women architects!

The Advisory Board members have submitted their nominees for the 2023 award, and we could not be more thrilled with the selection!
Please follow our Instagram channel to learn more about the nominees — they will be communicated on the platform throughout the month of December.
The Jury has received the nominations and can now begin with the voting process. The five finalists will be announced in January 2023. Stay tuned!
October 2022
Invitation to the General Assembly 2022
Dear members, this year’s annual general assembly will take place on 23rd November 2022, at 2 p.m. (UTC+2) in the office in 12047 Berlin, Maybachufer 24
ZOOM-Link for digital participation after your registration
June & July 2022

It’s been 12 months of excitement and hard work after launching DIVIA in June of last year. We would like to thank all the members who have become a part of our organization – thank you for your constant dedication and unconditional support. We would also like to express our gratitude to our Chairs, Co-Founders, Jury Members, Advisory Board, Board of Trustees, Ambassadors, Donators and Strategic and Cooperation Partners for their individual and irreplaceable commitment to fostering positive change in architecture. Together we have embarked on a journey to promote the remarkable work of ambitious women by giving them a platform to be celebrated and acknowledged. We are quickly moving towards our first award ceremony in 2023, with the first nominations to be announced this summer. Stay tuned!
May 2022
„Where are the women architects?“
Written by Katinka Corts, the renowned World-Architects eMagazine published an article about DIVIA – our important mission and the method behind it, revealing the protagonists leading the way to the first award ceremony in 2023. The story also features quotes from speeches held by the Chairs, Jury, Advisory Board members and Ambassadors at our launch event.
Thanks to John Hill @thearchidose
April 2022, Berlin

What a beautiful and successful reception! At our yesterday’s launch event at the DAZ Berlin, we presented the distinguished Jury and Board members for the first two Divia Award terms 2023 and 2025. The musical accompaniment was provided by singer Noraa from Paris. Thank you!
March 2022, Berlin Announcement Award, Jury and Boards!

February 2022, Berlin Behind every success is a great TEAM!
It is with great pleasure that we would like to thank our wonderful team for their dedication and commitment to DIVIA: drive, loyalty and individual skills are what connect and inspire us daily! We would like to seize the opportunity to introduce you to the protagonists behind the cause: graphic designer Anja Matzker ( has been in charge of DIVIA’s corporate identity, including logo development and print, since the beginning, IT professional Samar Maamoun ( implements said content on our website, journalist Veronika Lukashevich ( produces and supervises editorial content on our Instagram channel, Sabina Marreiros acts as a consultant, launches and supervises social media campaigns with our media partner, Vivian Schatz ( dutifully manages our membership administration, and last but not least: our legal advisor Jens Poll ( tirelessly guides us through the thickets of the non-profit world. Thank you to all for their efforts: Chair Ursula Schwitalla ( + Deputy Chair Christiane Fath (
January 2022 We are featured in Berengo Studio‘s latest newsletter!

There is nothing more motivating and empowering than starting a new year by appreciating the beautiful and crucial moments of 2021!
At the invitation of Fondazione Berengo and during the book launch of Women in Architecture, a project by our Chair Ursula Schwitalla, at the St. Regis Venice hotel back in August, we announced the creation of DIVIA. It was an honor to present our objective and goals in front of an inspiring audience.
Thank you to Fondazione Berengo for their support!
To become a member of our association, please fill out the form here: Application FormThere is nothing more motivating and empowering than starting a new year by appreciating the beautiful and crucial moments of 2021!
At the invitation of Fondazione Berengo and during the book launch of Women in Architecture, a project by our Chair Ursula Schwitalla, at the St. Regis Venice hotel back in August, we announced the creation of DIVIA. It was an honor to present our objective and goals in front of an inspiring audience.
Thank you to Fondazione Berengo for their support!
To become a member of our association, please fill out the form here: Application Form
Support us by becoming a member!
An exciting year is coming to an end, and we have taken an important step towards launching a new international prize for women architects.
We want female architects to be properly recognized and rewarded for their contribution to our field. For this reason and along with an exceptional team, we have created Diversity in Architecture, an association that is already being supported by great members.
By becoming a member of our association and/or donating to our cause, you will help us promote respect and equality in architecture. Your membership and donation will play a crucial role in launching the first architecture prize for women in Germany in 2023!
Our warmest regards and best wishes,
Ursula Schwitalla and Christiane Fath
December 2021 We are happy to announce that we are now on Instagram @diversityinarchitecture_ev!
We welcome you to join us on our mission to increase the visibility of women in architecture. By following our account, you will receive a behind the scenes look into our journey, learn more about our members as well as the road towards our first international award ceremony for women architects in 2023.
If you‘d like to share a photo with us, make sure to tag us in your post and use the hashtag #diversityinarchitecture_ev.
We hope to see you there
Venice, September 2021 17th Biennale Architettura: Diversity in Architecture e.V. + International Award for Women Architects

Diversity in Architecture, a non-profit organization founded in June 2021 in Berlin, announces on the occasion of the 17th Biennale Architettura in Venice, the creation of an international award for women architects.
During the book launch of WOMEN IN ARCHITECTURE at the invitation of Fondazione Berengo, Venice, in the presence of the editor Ursula Schwitalla with her co-authors Odile Decq, Sol Camacho and Dirk Boll, the initiators of this new international award for women Dr. Ursula Schwitalla (art historian) and Christiane Fath (architect) explained the objective of this initiative: “The aim is to support actively a greater gender balance between architects and to show and appreciate role models for the younger generation of women architects. The platform Diversity in Architecture will strengthen the visibility of women architects and foster synergies among each other.”
Before starting the nomination process by the jury in 2022 Diversity in Architecture is looking for members of the association.
Application forms can be found under (become) Member

The founding members have established the rules of association of Diversity In Architecture. The former registrtion has been made in July and in August the tax authorities have confirmed the tax privilege as a non profit organisation.
“With Diversity In Architecture we have established a platform for an award dedicated to Women In Architecture. Our objective is to enhance visibility, equality and showing role models for Women Architects.“
Ursula Schwitalla and Christiane Fath announced the Beginning of this journey at the Festival Women In Architecture in Summer 2021 in Berlin.
May, 2024

DIVIA Award 2023 finalist Tosin Oshinowo has been selected for the Loeb Fellowship class of 2025 at the Harvard Graduate School of Design (Harvard GSD) along with nine other visionary practitioners and activists who have made immense positive contributions to society within their various fields.
Tosin will join the class in August 2024 and will spend the academic year engaging with the GSD and Loeb communities through independent study, research, collaboration, public programs, workshops, coursework, Alumni events, and more.
We wish her all the best on this exciting journey!